Grants Generated
Grants Generated
Grants Generated
a) Intra Mural
- Targeting perioperative period in Osteosarcoma by use of Propranolol and Celecoxib with Receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa-Β ligand (RANKL) blockade – A phase II randomized controlled study- Intramural TRAC (04-07-2022).
- Acupuncture as a modality of treatment for Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy in Breast Cancer-A Phase 3 Randomized Controlled Trial (ABC-CIPN)- Intramural (16-07-2018)
- A multicenter retrospective study on the prognostic impact of pregnancy in women with a history of BRCA mutated breast cancer- Intramural TRAC
b) Extra Mural
- A Double Blind Randomized Controlled Trial of Renal Protective Effects of Normal Saline Plus Placebo Versus Normal Saline Plus Mannitol Prior to Cisplatin Containing Chemotherapy Regimens in Osteosarcoma and other Solid Tumors (CiNeMa)- Intramural / Intramural Others Terry fox funded (08-10-2018)
- Role of Wnt/β-Catenin signaling pathway in placenta mediated breast carcinogenesis during pregnancy.- ICMR-NIRRCH
- A randomized, open label phase III trial Evaluating Low-Dose Vs standard- dose Olanzapine with standard triple Antiemetic therapy for Prevention of highly emetogenic chemotherapy induced Nausea and vomiting in subjects with osteosarcoma and other solidtumors (OLAnzaPiNE)- Extramural Progressive Ladies Welfare Society (NGO) (18-11-2020)
- PABC study- “Evaluation of Molecular signature of Pregnancy Associated Breast Cancer” and “Pregnancy Associated Cancer (PAC) Registry to collate data on epidemiology and treatment patterns & outcomes”.- Roche Pvt. Ltd (13-11-2020)
- Scalp Cooling for the prevention of chemotherapy induced alopecia in breast cancer from a tertiary care cancer center in India.- Access Devices (09-08-2016)